Thursday, September 19, 2019

So This Guy Goes for a Walk pt 1

So this guy goes for a walk after he sends his wife home after she begs him to come home because she had a terrible dream. He starts walking and thinking about why she seemed so terrified. He thinks maybe the dream that scared her had some warning in it. I think this guy might be apart of something much bigger. Me ke aloha, Cece.

Having the Time of My Life

Today I was asked a question. How can understanding your time use help you improve the decisions you make about how to use your time?
In which I answered. Understanding time use can help improve the decisions we make about how to use our time by knowing where we spend the most time and what we spend the most time doing. By knowing these things we can then delegate time where it is needed most. Understanding time use allows us to take charge of deciding who deserves our time and who doesn't. Me ke aloha, Cece.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hear Ye Hear Ye

Vote! Vote! Vote!

Vote Cece Watson for your 2019 Homecoming Princess!
Me ke Aloha, Cece.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

I Ain't Got Time For This

I spend the majority of my time at school. Before school, after school, on school breaks. 'Why?' You might ask. Well, I am an athlete, and in order to be the best in each sport, I have to put in extra hours. When I get home I spend my time doing homework and sometimes eating. As of right now these habits of mine do and don't support my goals at the same time. My biggest goal is to be successful enough that if I do decide to have a family, they can be comfortable in life. If I decide to not to have a family, I want to be comfortable and be able to provide help to my family when needed. Right now I spend a lot of time on school work which helps my goals, but the other hours I spend at school take away from time I could be using to prepare myself for independency and my future. Me ke aloha, Cece

Communication Strategies of A Hacker

After the first read-through of "Conscience of a Hacker," I thought, "how is 'The Mentor' using diction, syntax, and tone to effectively convey his message?"

To answer this question I must first get to the bottom of, what are diction, syntax, and tone? Diction is the choice of words an author chooses, the syntax is the arrangement of words and phrases to create a well put together sentence, and lastly, tone is the attitude of a place or writing.

The Mentor uses these means of writing to convey his message by creating an image that teenagers could relate to. His diction shows that he wanted to paint an image of the average/general teenager as incompetent in the eyes of an adult.
Me Ke Aloha, Cece

Today I Was Thinking

Today I was thinking that teachers hardly ever give us instructions that prepare us for the real world. They give us knowledge that we may or may not use once we get out of high school,(with the exception of math) hell! We might not even use it once we pass that class! My AP English teacher is not that type of teacher. He gives us a 'mindful minute' which allows us to have a minute of quiet. He is also breaking the week down into days each dedicated to something that helps us in a bigger sense.

Mindful Mondays- set intentions for the week, write, and read our lit analysis books
Techie Tuesdays- apps, tools, and privacy/security
Cake Wednesdays- résumés, scholarship searches, personal statements, time management, personal strategic plans
Thoughtful Thursdays- Big Question research, mentor match, learning to teach
Freedom Fridays- writing time, catch up on work, prep for the weekend
Me ke aloha, Cece

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Making of an Essay

  • Montaigne- essay was originally french word meaning try
  • Literature was made by churches and government
  • Essay- try to make yourself understood
I have always been told that I am a strong writer. I have always been able to write what my past teachers have wanted without actually thinking deeply. Today I learned that the only thing that actually matters in writing is making yourself understood. Now I can actually say meaningful stuff and be heard from my writing instead of doing a by the book essay. Me ke aloha, Cece